A Single Hue

Michael Stover
6 min readJan 12, 2020

A World War II Novel

Chapter 1

I never imagined we would be labeled “The Greatest Generation.” Looking back, I admit we did accomplish great things. There were great enemies who presented great challenges, and there were even greater obstacles to overcome if we were to conquer those enemies. Not all of those obstacles were external.

While overcoming struggles with inadequate supply, insufficient training, and indiscriminate danger, we had to conquer our own fears, prejudices, and weaknesses. We had to grow up fast, learn fast, adapt faster, and even die fast. The vast enterprise of war didn’t allow much time for reflection or adjustment.

It was my privilege to serve with some great fellows. I remember them often. A half-heard voice, a familiar jaunty walk, a noise, or a scene will bring them back in living color. We were common people, reared through The Great Depression, and because we were told we had nothing to fear but fear itself, we simply chose to believe it and live our lives as best we could.

We hailed from the Deep South, the Midwest, the West Coast, the Northeast, and grew up in dirty slums, on poor farms, in idyllic city life, barren homesteads, and friendly small-town neighborhoods. Our differences, real and imagined, only highlighted the uniqueness of the enterprise in which we were engaged.

